Welcome To Cloud Phone
Thank you for signing up for Karma Computing CloudPhone! We're thrilled you've joined us. You should have received all the required login information when you signed up, directly from your support rep. But quickly, what is CloudPhone? CloudPhone is a SIP based phone system that runs in the cloud, allowing you to make and receive calls anywhere you get a data connection!
I've signed up, now what?
To make and receive calls, you'll need a SIP client. This can either be a physical IP phone, or a SIP Client App that runs on your PC/Laptop or Smartphone. Use the links below to select your configuration:
Physical IP Phone
Great for a desk in an office, doesn't move about, has big buttons and works when your PC is turned off
Configure IP PhoneSoftPhone Application
Great for a desk in an office, doesn't move about, has big buttons and works when your PC is turned off
Configure SoftPhoneFinal Notes
If you're experiencing difficulties, please see our CloudPhone help guides.